Sunday 4 November 2007

A taster ....................

Chapter 2 ~ The scene is set ~ 16th August, 1985

Vernon Goddard raised himself on one elbow, snatched at the ringing alarm clock that was to his left and shut it down quickly. Pity he couldn’t shut down the alarm bells ringing in his head. In the tiny bedroom at 38 Woodhall Road, Darfield, Barnsley he was entirely on his own. For this was to be his wedding day, and, of course, it would have been a serious breach of the ethical code of future mother-in-laws for him to have enjoyed the luxury of a sexual encounter with Carol the night before it was legalized. Except that for at least the past months rehearsals of various kinds had been progressing and they were in the process of delivering a very mature and fully rounded orgasm to match anything on earth.
But not for the 15th August. On the 15th he was to sleep alone and in mother-in-law’s house. It was 7 am for God’s sake. Who on earth would have set the time of the alarm for this god-forsaken time?
He knew the answer but couldn’t mouth her name.
He got up not having much choice and after showering and partially dressing made his way downstairs. It was 7.24 am ~ bit early to be going to a wedding.
Gladys and Colin were already having breakfast and were, already, fully dressed for the forthcoming event. This was to be as much Gladys’ day as Carol’s. A serious looking blue hat sat idly on the table. It had some fluffy feathers at its side. It kind of leaned over. It was dangerously near the marmalade. Ah, if he only had the courage.

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